Capsules are another differentiating element when it comes to wine packaging, and finding the most suitable one for the design that has been thought up is a task that designers specialising in the world of wine know well. Emma Bañuelos, Head of Design and Capsule Creation at Rivercap, is in charge of connecting the ideas and demands of these designers with the new products that the company launches on the market every year. She is an expert in the field whose presence contributed a lot of value to the last edition of ‘Sin Límites a tu Creatividad’ and who shared her impressions of the event with our team.

Como patrocinadores de ‘Sin Límites a tu Creatividad’, ¿qué creéis que es lo más importante que aportáis a los diseñadores gráficos con la celebración de este evento?
It is very important for us that they know what we do and that they know how available we are to be at the service of creativity. In the end, designers are creative, and what we want to communicate is that we are at the service of their creativity.
Y a vosotros, ¿qué os aportan estos días de contacto directo con profesionales del diseño de alto nivel?
Sometimes they have crazy ideas that are not always easy to implement, but we like them because they challenge us to see how far we can go.
¿Es ‘Sin Límites a tu Creatividad’ un punto de encuentro en el que detectar las tendencias que vienen en packaging y etiquetado?
Totalmente, porque aquí nacen muchos proyectos de cambio, muchos proyectos de restyling, nuevas demandas de los clientes… Por supuesto ellos nos cuentan en qué están trabajando, y al final es un intercambio muy enriquecedor.